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아들 (소설) 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • The Son (Nesbø novel)
  • 아들    아들 a son; a boy. 대를 이을 ~ my son and
  • 아버지와 아들 (소설)    Fathers and Sons (novel)
  • 아들    아들 a son; a boy. 대를 이을 ~ my son and heir. 방탕한 ~ a profligate son. ~답다 be a good[worthy] son / be filial. 좋은[나쁜] ~을 가지다 be blessed with a good son[cursed with a bad son].▷ 아들놈[아이 / 자식] my son[boy].▷
  • 소설    소설 [小說] a novel; a (fictional) story; a romance; a tale; fiction. 교양 ~ an educational novel. 단편 ~ a short story / a novelette / a storiette. 모험 ~ a story of adventures / an adventurous story. 문제 ~
  • 맏아들    맏아들 the firstborn[eldest] son.
  • 선한 아들    The Good Son (TV series)
  • 아들 존스    young jones
  • 아들래    adlai; athlai
  • 아들자    Nonius (device)
  • 양아들    양아들 [養-] =양자(養子).
  • 외아들    외아들 an only son.
  • 용의 아들    Magical Hat
  • 의붓 아들    stepdaughter; stepchild; stepson
  • 첫아들    첫아들 a male first-born. ~을 낳다 give birth to a boy at one's first childbirth. ~을 보다 get a boy as one's first child.
  • 친아들    친아들 [親-] one's true[real] son; one's son by blood (as opposed to stepson).
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